PROPEL Part V: 2019 Innovations

In 2019, 18 PROPEL team members created numerous innovations designed to improve service to students and attainment of college-wide strategic goals. During the development of PROPEL in 2018, the College established its own definition of innovation based on employee feedback from focus groups and surveys. To us, innovation is applying creative approaches to create value-added change. This means that something is innovative if it is new to us even if it is not new to you. While we may dream of developing ground-breaking innovations in artificial intelligence, for example, we recognize that we need innovations of all sizes to address the changing needs of students and society. The range of innovations developed this year reflect this understanding.

In 2019, PROPEL teams…

  • Developed and implemented an online course test drive, which enables prospective students to experience an example of an online course before enrolling. We know online education is new to some and providing prospective students with an opportunity to experience an online course in Canvas not only shows off our amazing course design, but it also empowers prospective students to begin the journey of an online program.
  • Developed, budgeted, and planned a virtual affinity group platform for students, alumni, and employees, which provides a place for everyone to engage online around topics beyond one’s program of study or primary job duties. Online affinity groups will facilitate mentoring, collaboration, student-to-student support, relationship-building, and more.
  • Developed and implemented additional benefits for students who are part of the military and first responder community. These benefits required changing policies to reduce fees for these students who are dedicating their lives to ensuring the safety and security for us all.
  • Currently in development is the final proposal of 2019, which focuses on providing doctoral students with an opportunity to showcase their dissertation research via a short video. If approved, doctoral candidates would receive support from the College to develop a video that showcases their use of technology and research expertise. Videos would enable graduates to market themselves and share their research broadly.

PROPEL teams develop the innovation and propose an approach to implementation, but they are not necessarily the same people who must follow through with implementation.  Each team consults with the critical stakeholders connected to their innovation, but once approved, team members may choose not to be involved in implementation. We included this option so team members could pull back if they no longer had the capacity to remain heavily involved. From there, I coordinate implementation and involve team members based on their preferences. While some of these innovations begin as pilots, others are approached as strategic initiatives that require greater planning, approval, and budgeting. Turning PROPEL innovations into reality requires investment from colleagues across the College. Whether we pursue a small pilot or full launch, implementing each innovation is an area of PROPEL we continue to refine.

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